Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tips to Make Your Home Back-to-School Ready for the Entire Family

Before buying anything new, check to see what clothes and supplies your kids already have.

Throw out anything extremely worn out, with holes, too small (unless their good for hand-me-downs), or stained beyond repair.  Wash everything that needs to be washed before school begins.

Make a list of exactly what your kids need which can help you stay on budget while at the store.  You can wait a week or so after school begins to buy any markdowns!

Clean and get organized.  As school weeks go on, things tend to pile up, get misplaced, or wind up in the wrong spot.  Have a designated place for everything and make sure your kids know where everything belongs such as shoes, coats, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.

Get your kitchen, cabinets, and pantry clean, organized, and stocked.  Make it easy for yourself to get breakfast done quickly, lunches prepared for the next day, and dinner cooked easily at night.  Match all containers with their lids so food prep is simpler. 

Buy or make a large calendar or dry erase board to help your family stay organized with daily activities.  Kids like knowing what to expect for the day. 

Buy or make a chores chart that your kids can keep track on.

Have a good homework area set up.  Children need a good place where they can focus on their homework and have everything that they need.

Clean, organize, and set up the kids’ bedrooms.  Children need a clean, calm, and peaceful place to get sleep at night. 

Clean and organize your closets.  Buy closet organizes or clear bins if needed.  Having an organized closet makes getting ready in the morning easier for everyone.

Make space in your storage and coat closets for kids to hang jackets, backpacks, and to store sports equipment. 

Use a file cabinet for parent slips, report cards, letters, and anything else that helps keep papers organized and easy to find. 

Buy desks, closet organizers, plastic organizing bins, dressers, shoe racks, and a bookshelf if needed.  Check at resale stores, recycling centers, or online for affordable furniture that you can repaint and refurbish to you and your children’s liking.